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According to FreeJeffreyMacDonald on Facebook.
"Hey guys just a quick update tonite...I was contacted and things are being looked at. I cannot give details nor guarantee anything as of yet but the feed back that I was provided was hopeful. Let's cross our fingers folks. Keep the prayers coming."
Mrs. Inmate must be living in la la land if she is the source of that information.
OMG that is laughable! Whoever provided the "updates" is delusional! Did you see the comment about inmate being denied a fair trial? or the comment about Freddie turning against inmate because he moved to California? 3 bat shit crazy posts! Geez - I cannot believe so many people still buy into the nonsense.
I agree with you Byn. How anyone with working brain cells can believe this monster to be innocent is beyond me. He's clearly "factually guilty" phrased the way the current mrs inmate phrases it when she tries to convince folks her degenerate hubby is "factually innocent" insert an epic eye roll here.
OneWhoCares wrote:
According to FreeJeffreyMacDonald on Facebook.
"Hey guys just a quick update tonite...I was contacted and things are being looked at. I cannot give details nor guarantee anything as of yet but the feed back that I was provided was hopeful. Let's cross our fingers folks. Keep the prayers coming."
Mrs. Inmate must be living in la la land if she is the source of that information.
Someone's been drinking the goofy juice for sure...maybe rebby is at it again🤣😂
I agree with you Byn. How anyone with working brain cells can believe this monster to be innocent is beyond me. He's clearly "factually guilty" phrased the way the current mrs inmate phrases it when she tries to convince folks her degenerate hubby is "factually innocent" insert an epic eye roll here.
Last edited by Luminol (6/25/2019 12:51 am)
Someone there actually wished he who murdered his small children a happy father's day. Ugh.
If Mrs. Inmate has communicated with the admin of that board, it's about time. He's been waiting for months for her to say something about the 4th circuit court decision.
I love it when a voice of reason manages to post there for a bit - like this re: LizBeth's delusions: "I hate to point this out (not really) but this article is poorly written and wildly hyperbolic...."
Good grief , it never, ever ends does it? Like “the thing that would not die” I’m just wondering if his “little wife” is working on a compassionate release due to failing health. His ass, like Susan Atkins before him, (how ironic given her group was who he used as his not -guilty template) should stay right where he is. I don’t give a damn what his medical issues are. Tell him and his loony wife to call 800-waa waa waa - waa waa waa waa.
Give him compassionate release when Colette, her son, and two babies do , and get to start life at the ages he took them.
Welcome, Sage I agree with you about this case being the beast that never dies...unlike the innocent family Macmurder slaughtered.the jerk deserves zero compassion!😠 his stupid wife is a real piece of work, she disgusts me.
Last edited by Luminol (6/27/2019 1:12 pm)
There was someone saying they prayed for Mac's release and I commented that I prayed that Jeff died and woke up in to Freddie Kassab's face. Hahaha. I bet Mac's terrified of death, guys. He knows what's waiting for him. Or should I say... who is waiting for him
Welcome Charlotte98! If inmate is sick he should get transferred to the Federal Prison Hospital system....I believe there are 4 of these facilities this side of the Mississippi...